Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community


Hulett Town Council

The Hulett Town Council met on June 7, 2023 at 7 p.m. Present were Council Bears, Kennah and Mayor Parsons. Absent was council Backen and Johnson.

Motion to accept the agenda, Kennah/Bears, mc.

Motion to approve the minutes, Bears/Kennah, mc.

Gary McCollum asked permission to plug into the park bathrooms for the lions club supper. Motion to allow, Kennah/Bears, mc.

Cullen Kelly was present to ask about replatting their property on IV Bar Road. They are to come to the council meeting in July with a plat.

Police. Horse issue has been taken care of. Rodeo street dance contract has been signed.

Financial – Bears reported on budget and the upcoming new budget, motion to approve Kennah/Bears, mc.

Public works – Busy mowing. Discussion on putting a bigger plug in at the concession stand. Motion to pay $700 for the project, Kennah/Bears, mc.

Motion to pay Karson Amos $12.00 an hour, Bears/Kennah, mc.

Surplus bid opening. Received 1 bid for lift in the amount of $9101 from the CC School. Motion to accept, Kennah/Bears, mc. 1 bid received for trailer for $102, motion to accept it, Kennah/Bears, mc.

Motion to pay general bills, Bears/Kennah, mc. Motion to pay airport bills, Kennah/Bears, mc.

3rd reading of budget 2023-2024 was read and approved, Bears/Kennah ,mc.

3rd reading of ordinance 2 series 2023 residential zoning of red devil drive phase 3, Bears/Kennah, mc.

Motion to approve the budget amendment for fiscal year 2022-2023, Bears/Kennah, mc.

Motion to have the Mayor sign the engagement letter for the upcoming audit, Kennah/Bears, mc.

Motion to approve the Ponderosa Catering permit, Kennah/Bears, mc.

Workshop on water well at the golf course will be set up for June 23 at 9 a.m.

Motion to adjourn, Kennah/Bears, mc.

Publish: July 13, 2023