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Wyoming spends record $4.2 million to kill coyotes, other predators

Ammunition, gas, aviation fuel price hikes drive costs higher as hard winter boosts interest in coyote culls

Wyoming will spend more than $4 million to kill coyotes, wolves, ravens, skunks and other “nuisance animals” in 2023-’24 — more than any previous fiscal year.

Federal trapper Steve Moyles helped make the case for one portion of the expenditures May 18 in a presentation to the Wyoming Animal Damage Management Board.

The common raven, he told board members, is a “nasty bird” that causes horrific injuries to young, defenseless cattle on calving grounds.

“They peck navals, they peck eyes, they actually peck holes in joints of calves,” said Moyles, an employee of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’...