Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community

Crook County Natural Resource District

February 7

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

February 7th Regular Board Meeting Minutes

CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 12:02 pm by Chairman Wayne Garman at the Sundance USDA Service Center.


Board: Wayne Garman, Lily Altaffer, Casey Devish, Kim Fundaun, Call in: Wanda Burget

Employees: Bridget Helms, Jessica Halverson, Call in: Carmen Horne-McIntyre


Water Quality Program Updates Carmen reported on grants: the NACD 2021-2022 grant has been closed out in January and will be watching for the RFP in early March for another round of NACD funding. Carmen and Jessie are working on shade ball costs for the WDA grant application due in March. An idea of having a shade ball display at the county fair was suggested. Preparations have taken place for the joint board meeting with CCCD next month. Due to the Joint Board meeting taking place on March 7 from 1:00-3:00 pm the March regular Board meeting will start at 10:00 am. There is an urban agriculture grant opportunity coming up in March- Jessie and Carmen have been talking about ideas for this and will discuss more at the March meeting. Due to the large demand for water quality audits this year our District will probably not be audited. We currently have two certified samplers.

Estate Planning Workshop will take place March 1. One has signed up so far; will start sending personal invites and reminders the week before.

Forestry Program Update The most recent version of the USFS MOU was submitted with the second round of revisions. The deadline for forestry project applications is February 15.

Office Manager Update Bridget has submitted year end reports such as 1099’s and sales tax. Two public records requests were received and responded to. State base funding criteria forms were signed for the August deadline checklist. A three-lot subdivision review was received and will be presented in March for approval. The former domain of has been reclaimed and our website, hosted by Streamline is now active. Bridget requested photos and suggestions from the Board.

Financials A motion to pay the bills was made by Lily and seconded by Kim. Motion carried. All checks were signed. Reconciliation reports prepared by Bridget were reviewed and signed.

Approve January 3rd Minutes A motion to approve the January 3rd meeting minutes as presented was made by Lily and seconded by Kim. Motion carried.


Tree Program Jessie provided a trees sold update, possible shipping options were discussed.

Compost Bins Pre-sales of the compost bins went well, and we will receive 36 bins. A coordination meeting will take place February 10 to work out shipping details.


Conservation Easements Wanda was contacted about interest in the CCNRD hosting a workshop on conservation easements. Suggestions for possible speakers were made.

County Fair booth could be utilized to gather feedback on this workshop and to choose a date or time of year that would work best for those interested.

Employee/Supervisor Training will take place February 21-23 in Cheyenne or virtually. By June 30, 2024, all supervisors will be required to attend and pass the test. WACD is still working with the Wyoming Department of Audit to find out if tests taken within the last 5 years would meet this requirement.

Logo Lily presented some new options for a logo.

Office Manager Hours Due to additional duties assigned, a motion was made by Lily stating as of Jan 2, 2023 Bridget Helms will work up to 29 hours a week. Wanda seconded. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn was made by Lily at 1:17 pm and seconded by Kim.

Office Manager Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________