Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community



Tuesday, February 7, 2023

8:30 o’clock a.m. Present were Chairman Fred M. Devish, Vice-Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Member Bob Latham and County Clerk Melissa Jones.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the Flag.

Bob moved to approve the minutes from January 3, 4 & 17, 2023. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Kelly moved to approve the bond for Gary D. Anderson on behalf of HDR Engineering, Inc., as the Crook County Contract Engineer and Surveyor. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Bob moved to approve a Change Order between HDR Engineering, Inc., and Crook County to accept the updated 2023 billing rates. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Per W.S. 16-9-104(c), Kelly moved to reaffirm Resolution No. 1-2004 imposing a 911 Emergency Tax upon all telephone exchange access facilities within Crook County, authorizing service suppliers to collect the 911 Emergency Tax to establish, upgrade and operate an emergency telephone service system in Crook County,

Wyoming. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Bob moved to approve a Memorandum of Understanding with Not For Profit Service Providers with Volunteers of America Northern Rockies. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

The following bills were presented to the Board:

Claimant-Description-Amount Allowed:

Total Wages and Cell Phone Stipend-$228,782.45;Wyoming Department of Workforce Services-Unemployment Benefits-$353.99;AFLAC-Insurance-$2,062.95;Clerk of the District Court-Garnishment-$226.00;Col. Life & Accident Ins. Co.-Insurance-$26.40;Crook County Payroll Tax Account-Withholding & Social Security-$66,848.86;Great-West Trust Company, LLC-Deferred Compensation-$2,860.00;NCPERS Wyoming-Life Insurance-$144.00;New York Life Insurance Company-Life Insurance-$379.78;WY Department of Workforce Services-Worker’s Compensation-$3,663.51;Wyoming Retirement System-Retirement-$51,943.14;Wyoming Educator’s Benefit Trust-Health, Dental, Vision and Life Insurance-$68,628.22;21 Electric LLC-Replace Library Lamps, New outlet in basement-$643.80;A & B Business Inc-Copies-$513.05;A&I Distributors-Oil & Washer Fluid-$1,392.35;Allen Thompson-Leadership Training-$453.53;Alsco-Shop & Courthouse Supplies-$433.79;April D. Gill-Cell Phone Reimbursement-$45.00;Architectural Specialties, LLC-Parts & Labor - Courthouse EAC, DL Windows Software-$1,417.40;Artistic Custom Badges & Coins LLC-Badge & Plate-$278.88;AT&T Mobility-Cell Phone-$991.43;B3 K9-K9 & Training-$12,002.70;Bear Lodge Motel-Lodging-$265.00;Big Horn Tire Inc.-Batteries-$333.66;Black Hills Energy-Electricity -$211.99;Blakeman Propane Inc-Propane-$9,192.24;Bomgaars-Supplies-$310.00;Cadca-Annual Membership for Be Well Coalition-$300.00;Carl’s Trailer Sales Inc.-Trailer-$12,775.00;Casey Hise-Reimbursement - CDL Driving Test-$47.25;CBH Co-op-Fuel-$34,385.11;Centurylink-E911 Telephone-$1,405.41;City of Gillette-Water-$7.50;City of Sundance-Water-$1,510.81;Clear Choice Headsets & Technology LLC-Headsets & Shipping-$769.00;Clearwater X-Spurts Inc-Parts & Labor - Courthouse Water-$13,240.00;Clinical Lab of the Black Hills-Autopsies-$4,151.00;Collins Communications-Fire Alarm Monitoring-$71.00;Contractors Supply Inc-Parts-$14.50;Croell Inc-Road Base, Cattle Guards, Salt-$6,766.61;Crook County Medical Services District-R&B employee physicals, Inmate medical, Prisoner Meals & Foods-$6,733.06;Crook County Natural Resource District-County Funding-$15,000.00;Crook County Treasurer-Postage-$232.81;Custom Auto & Truck-Services, Parts-$2,193.47;Dakota Equipment Rental-Parts & Labor-$355.07;Dan Bush-Reimbursement – Meals, K9 Training-$134.87;Decker’s Market-Supplies-$108.93;DMC Wear Parts LLC-Parts-$5,900.00;Douglas Lundborg-Firearms Training-$125.00;Dru Consulting LLC-Consulting Services-$2,861.00;Floyds Truck Center WY-Parts-$5,217.43;Galls, LLC-Uniform Accessories-$71.72;Gillette Steel Center-Channels-$366.00;Glaxosmithkline-Vaccine-$5,524.15;Gould Upholstery-Repair & Recover Truck Seat-$400.00;Grimm’s Pump & Industrial Supply-Pressure Washer, Parts-$13,543.50;Grossenburg Implement Inc-Chain Lube-$18.40;HDR Engineering, Inc.-Professional Services-$2,131.90;Heimans Fire Equipment-Shelters, Valves, Booster Reel-$12,367.62;Hulett Hardware-Parts-$190.77;Humprey Law LLC-Court Appointed Attorney Fees-$855.70;Integritas Forum LLC-Parts-$557.38;Jagow Enterprises Inc-Contract Hauling -$3,108.34;Jeffrey Hodge-Cell Phone Reimbursement-$45.00;Jennifer Glenn-Reimbursement-Postage-$44.69;Judicial Dialog Systems-Annual Software Maint. & Support-$2,100.00;JW Services, LLC-Contract Hauling-$2,212.70;Kathaleen Spencer-Reimbursement - Office Supplies-$22.77;Kelly B. Dennis-Mileage-$157.20;KLH Consulting Inc-Computer Services-$12,075.45;Knecht Home Center of Spearfish LLC-Parts-$1,068.75;Lakeview Wash & Storage-Car Washes-$77.90;Law Enforcement Systems Inc.-Supplies-$132.00;Marco Technologies LLC-Copy / Maint Fee-$60.31;Max Robert Masters-GIS Consulting & Mapping Contract-$3,400.00;Meadowlark Counseling-Evaluations-$975.00;Menards-Gillette-Parts-$357.12;Morgan Ellsbury-Monthly Truck Lease-$1,100.00;Motorola Solutions, Inc.-Spillman/Flex Lease Pay off-$285,011.73;Operation Parent-Handbooks-$649.50;Pamela K. McMahon-Transcripts-$695.50;Powder River Energy Corp.-Electricity -$7,879.98;Pro Force Law Enforcement-Holsters-$1,919.00;Quadient Leasing USA Inc-Postage Machine Lease-$403.02;Quality Agg & Construction, Inc-J Base-$31,481.50;Quality Hardware & Supply-Parts & Supplies-$140.24;Quill Corporation-Office Supplies-$598.70;Range Telephone Cooperative Inc-Telephone-$7,095.33;Rapid Fire Protection, Inc-Annual sprinkler inspection-$500.00;Raquel Croell-County Website Maintenance-$500.00;Record Supply Inc-Parts-$109.67;RG Trucking-Contract Hauling-$1,712.42;Robert’s Machine & Repair-Parts & Repairs-$906.21;Rolling Metal Sinclair-Fuel-$157.21;Sanofi Pasteur, Inc-Vaccine-$90.70;Sign Solutions-Signs-$117.00;Skyline Builders Inc-Construction - Moorcroft Facility-$31,020.00;Slattery Enterprises Inc.-Service Port-a-Potty-$126.50;State of Wyoming-Mainframe Services, Archives-$40.99;Sundance Extinguisher LLC-Inspections & New Extinguishers-$4,074.50;Sundance Hardware & Sporting Goods-Parts & Supplies-$630.76;Sundance Heating and Air-Parts & Labor-$751.40;Sundance State Bank-Direct Deposit Fees-$10.25;Sundance Times-Supplies, Ads, Legal-$2,476.63;Svoboda Trucking-Contract Hauling -$3,938.86;Thos. Y. Pickett & Co., Inc.-3rd Contract Payment-$6,000.00;Timberline Services Inc.-Snow Removal-$1,180.00;Top Office Products, Inc.-Office Supplies, Copies-$624.26;Town of Hulett-Water-$62.30;Town of Moorcroft-Water-$67.82;Tracy Motor Company-Parts & Supplies-$6,660.68;Trutemp HVAC Services-Labor-$1,100.00;University of Wyoming-Salaries-$17,730.75;Vilas Pharmacy-Supplies-$11.98;Visa-Adobe, Internet, Supplies, Cell Phone, Bin Cabinet, Computer & Monitor, Travel Expenses, Recertification, Dues-$13,597.60;Visionary Broadband-Internet Service-$977.77;Western Stationers-Office Supplies-$1,036.65;Wilbur Trucking-Contract Hauling-$2,520.00;Windstream-Telephone-$128.55;WY Department of Workforce Services-Worker’s Compensation-$581.73;WY State Forestry Division-Parts-$329.59;WYDOT Motor Vehicle Division-Transfer Plate-$2.00;WYDOT-Financial Services-Project Expenditures, vehicle title stock-$227.19;Wyoming Clerks of District Court Assoc.-Annual Dues-$150.00;Wyoming County Commissioners Association-Registrations - Legislative Meeting-$200.00;Wyoming County Treasurer Association-2023 Dues-$200.00;Wyoming Department of Workforce Services-Unemployment Benefits-$748.00;Wyoming Educators Benefit Trust-Cobra Vision Insurance; Wyoming Machinery Company-Labor & Parts-$28,429.75;Wyoming Public Health Laboratory-Testing-$52.00;Wyoming State Firearms Assn.-WSFA Dues-$75.00;Total-$1,097,415.12;

Kelly moved to allow all bills as presented. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Kelly moved to transfer funds as follows: Pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-4-112, notice is given that a Resolution has been proposed to transfer the following funds. Notice is further given that a hearing of the Board of Crook County Commissioners of Crook County, Wyoming will be held on March 7, 2023, at 8:30 o’clock a.m. to consider such proposed resolution.

$5,700.00 to Wyoming Game & Fish Patrol Contract-from Unanticipated Reserves

$35,607.75 to Deployed Firemen Expenses-from Unanticipated Revenues

Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

The following monthly collections were collected:

County Clerk $10,488.50

County Sheriff $43,959.33

Clerk of District Court $6,077.70

Circuit Court $10,647.00

Public Health (December) $20,229.97

Tammy Jundt, County Treasurer submitted the following monthly report of receipts and disbursements for month end January 2023:

Receipts: Property Tax $252,810.97

Sales Tax $176,303.51

Misc Receipts $1,423,821.55

County Auto $551,973.55

Total $2,404,909.89

Disbursements Towns $220,046.87

County Boards/Districts $505,340.39

State & Local School $2,374,402.04

DOT/DOR/Rebate $318,134.24

Redemption $7,358.90

Total $3,425,282.44

Investments Sundance State Bank

Wyo-Star $417,151.82 $1,091.03 (December Interest)

Wyoming Class $3,052,607.27 $10,503.14 (December Interest)

Tammy Jundt, County Treasurer, Dan Thomas, County Assessor, Julie Altaffer, Clerk of District Court and Joe Baron, County Attorney were present to go over items of interest within their departments.

Tammy Jundt, County Treasurer: Total receipts were $2,404,909.89 and disbursements to the county, county boards, towns and schools were $3,425,282.44. In January we did 3,857 transactions. We’ve been busy at the counter and a lot of mail with motor vehicle renewals. We did one property tax CP redemption. I changed the Assessor’s name in Taxwise for property tax invoices and receipts. I worked on the 1099-INT’s for the 2022 CP redemptions and mailed the 1099-INT’s to the recipients.  I attended two Team meetings with KLH reviewing their contract. I attended the Treasurer’s meeting via Teams discussing the new legislative bills and also attended the Employee Compensation meeting and the Dept Head meeting. My staff and I attended the Leadership Confidence training.

Julie Altaffer, Clerk of District Court: Total Receipts $6,077.70 9 new case filings 35 record searches 8 passports 3 appeals in process 126 open cases that are pending We sent out 300 juror questionnaires to start the process of qualifying Crook County residents for jury duty for the coming year. Selection of names is random and is pulled from voter registration and driver’s license databases. We just finished data entry of older cases with fines and fees due that did not carry over in the conversion to our FCE program. This was a big issue as none of the financials came across, so we had to manually enter everything which dates back to the 90’s. Both Chris and I attended the leadership class put on by the Sheriff’s Office – it was a good class. I attended the Clerk of Court’s Winter Meeting via Teams, a Child Support Authority Board Meeting via Teams, and the Department Heads Meeting.

Dan Thomas, County Assessor: attended legislative meetings, tracking legislation related to the Assessor’s office, attended New Assessor training and was able to meet the staff from the Department of Revenue.

Joe Baron, County Attorney: Criminal Cases in the past month: New Cases: 43 Closed Cases: 75 Current Case Load: 87 In Court: 43 times Juvenile Cases: We also have 11 cases involving minors in Juvenile Court or Diversion. 2023 Year to Date New Cases 43 Closed Cases 75 The Part-Time Deputy County Attorneys Jeani Stone and DaNece Day started handling some criminal cases on November 28. Prepared documents for vacating portions of County Road No. 160 and wrapped up the Identification process; reviewed Large Acreage Subdivision exemption request and prepared an Order for the Commissioners; reviewed bond forms; reviewed tax payment issues; answered questions about the Opioid Settlements to the County; assisted with comments of legislation for Sheriff’s Association and County Attorneys. Worked on Forest Service MOU language. Assisted with ARPA Grant Request, prepared annual audit letter, dealt with KLH IT Contract review. Reviewed several subdivisions and planning issues: MOU’s, grants and contracts.

Melissa Jones, County Clerk: recorded 378 documents, made 214 titles, attended the Be Well Coalition meeting, traveled to Cheyenne for Legislative meetings, Mel, Aimee & Michelle attended the Leadership workshop, worked on the Salary Matrix, tracking legislation, attended the Compensation Committee meeting, attended the Department Head meeting, continued to work on renewing the County’s SAMs registration, working on grant tracking, interviewed 4 candidates for our open position, completed year end tasks such as: W2s and 1099s,voter purge process, OSHA report and E911 expenditure report.

County Commissioners: Kelly: took a number of calls on roads; good & bad, attended County wide meetings, received a complaint on civil fees required to be paid. Bob: Attended legislative meetings, new commissioner trainings, tracking legislation, had conversations with the Governor & the regional Forester from Denver, conversations with a resident on the large lot divisions. Fred: Attended legislative meetings, tracking legislation, had conversations with Secretary of State, Dru and Regional Forester from Denver, worked on grant paperwork, received a complaint on civil fees required to be paid, fielded calls on roads; good and bad.

Dan Thomas, County Assessor, presented the following additions and refunds: 2023-0085, 2022-0546, 2023-00. Bob moved to approve the changes listed. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Alex Jessen, Chairman, Melissa Jones, Secretary, Morgan Ellsbury, Tammy Jundt and Bonnie Stahla, Members, and Tina Wood, Ex-Officio Member, via Teams, Compensation Committee, gave a monthly report.

Morgan Ellsbury, Road and Bridge Superintendent and Larry Schommer, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor gave monthly reports.

Kelly moved to approve a Crook County Exploration and Material Lease Agreement with Craig J. Monnens. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Bob moved to authorize the Road and Bridge Superintendent to impose and lift temporary weight limits on all county roads as weather and ground condition necessitate to cause the least amount of damage to the county roads, as authorized in Resolution No. 12-2007 Setting Size and Weight Limits on County Roads in Crook County, Wyoming. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Bob moved to give Larry authority to sell the shelter located at the Fair Grounds with a $2000 minimum bid. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Adjourned for lunch at 12:05 o’clock p.m.

1:00 o’clock p.m. Present were Chairman Fred M. Devish, Vice-Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Member Bob Latham and County Clerk Melissa Jones.

Sara Fleenor, UW Area Educator, Bonnie Stahla, Library Director and Carol Stutzman, Nurse Manager & Katie Allen, Prevention Specialist, Public Health gave monthly reports.

Tony Barton gave an update on the 2023 Winter Fest.

Tim Lyons, Planning Administrator and Morgan Ellsbury, Chairman, CCLUP&ZC gave monthly updates. The Board directed the CCLUP&ZC to continue progress on county wide zoning.

Kelly moved to approve the 2020 addendum to the Joint Agreement to Take Advantage of an ESRI Regional Government Enterprise License Agreement with Weed & Pest. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Present for the continued large acreage subdivision exemption hearing for T & G, LLC was Garry Davis also present were Tim Lyons, Planning Administrator and Joe Baron, County Attorney.

Kelly moved to grant T & G, LLC an exemption from the Large Acreage Subdivision Regulations as a development that was well established prior to the state law being passed in 2008, regulations going into effect, and to approve the Order Approving Large Acreage Subdivision Exemption setting forth findings in the matter, Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Present for the monthly IT update from KLH were Tom Overstreet via Teams also present were Tim Lyons, Tammy Jundt, Julie Altaffer and via Teams Joe Baron.

The meeting adjourned at 2:49 o’clock p.m.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

8:30 o’clock a.m. Present were Chairman Fred M. Devish, Vice-Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Member Bob Latham and County Clerk Melissa Jones.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the Flag.

Preston Beckstead, Resident Engineer, Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT), gave an update on bridge and road projects.

Morgan Ellsbury, Road and Bridge Superintendent and Larry Schommer, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor gave monthly reports.

Ben Keim was present to discuss making D4 Lane a County Road. Also present were, Wes Bush, Dale Roth, Bonnie Bush, Bob Hauber, Lester Stutzman, Eli Miller, Ervin Miller, Terry McNeil, Les McGill, Harvey Borntrager, Henry Schwartz, Anna Schwartz, Anna Stutzman, Albert J Borntrager, Joni Miller, Albert Miller, Emanual Miller, John T Jones, Benny Miller, Morgan Ellsbury, Larry Schommer, Sarah Pridgeon and via Teams Joe Baron and Alex Jessen.

Ben Keim, Ervin Miller, Lester Stutzman, Terry McNeil, Henry Schwartz, Harvey Borntrager, Dale Roth, Bonnie Bush, Bob Hauber and Joe Baron addressed the Board.

Keith Haiar and Joe Julian, Beulah Civic Committee, were present to discuss the Beulah Community Building.

Ed Robinson, Homeland Security County Coordinator and Doug Leis, County Fire Warden, gave monthly reports.

Kelly moved to approve Grant Agreement Between the State of Wyoming Office of State Lands and

Investments, Forestry Division and Crook County Volunteer Fire Department. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Joe Baron was present to discuss the Opioid Settlement and give an update. Also present were Carol Stutzman, Katie Allen, Trish Habeck and Tammy Jundt.

Adjourned for lunch at 12.04 o’clock p.m.

1:00 o’clock p.m. Present were Chairman Fred M. Devish, Vice-Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Member Bob Latham and County Clerk Melissa Jones.

Steve Kozel, Acting Bear Lodge District Ranger, USFS, Ralph Knode, CEO, Strata Energy, Bridget Helms, Office Manager and Jessica Halverson, Conservation Resource Coordinator, CCNRD, Kathy Lenz, Resource and Economic Development Manager for Senator Lummis and Jeanne Whalen, Whalen Consult, LLC gave updates on items of interest within their departments.

Tim Lyons was present to discuss the annual U.S. Census Bureau Boundary and Annexation Survey.

Bob moved to sign a letter to Crook County Municipalities to encourage their participation in the survey. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Jeanne Whalen, Whalen Consult, LLC was present to offer her providing consulting services to the County on the Black Hills National Forest Land Use Plan Revision and on the Newcastle Bureau of Land Management Resource Management Plan Revision.

Bob moved to contract with Jeanne for her services subject to review and approval of her contract. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 2:25 o’clock p.m. to meet in regular session on March 7 & 8, 2023 at 8:30 o’clock a.m., in the Commissioner Room at the Courthouse in Sundance, Wyoming.

Fred M. Devish, Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairman

Bob Latham, Member Attested: Melissa Jones, County Clerk

Publish: February 16, 2023

Rendered 01/20/2025 08:47