Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community

Circuit Court

Speeding – Jesse Kropf, Ritter, OR, 81/75, $97; Camey Rae Gathman, Mandan, ND, 90/75, $135; Richard Summers, Nederland, TX, 88/80, $101; Rebecca Podio, Newcastle, WY, 82/70, $120; Ryan Remington, Rapid City, SD, 86/75, $115; Patrick Hoover, Ashburn, VA, 94/75, $155; Michael Landsverk, Billings, MT, 91/80, $115; Derick H. Douglas, Newcastle, WY, 77/70, $99; Nicholas Mattson, Daniel, WY, 88/80, $101; William Streidl, Broomfield, CO, 47/30, $209; Oakley Aaron Hanson, Gillette, WY, $80

No Seat Belt (driver with passenger under 12) – Timothy Fox, Minneapolis, MN, $25

Stop Sign Violation – Timothy F...