Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

June 7

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

June 7th Regular Board Meeting Minutes

CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 12:12 pm by Chairman Wayne Garman at the Sundance USDA Service Center.


Board: Wayne Garman, Kim Fundaun, Lily Altaffer

Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Jessica Halverson, Call in: Carmen Horne-McIntyre

Guests: Keela Deaton, NRCS District Conservationist, Staci Steiner, FSA County Executive Director


NRCS Update Ms. Deaton has cover crop sent out for 940 acres of cover crops and $28,350 of the $31,500 in funds are allocated. She has cover crop seed samples that people can plant two 20’ rows. Please see her if you’d like a packet.

FSA Update Ms. Steiner updated the Board on program updates within her office.

Water Quality Program Updates by Carmen & Jessica

Water sampling will start next week. Ms. McIntyre heard back from WDA and our application cleared the first round for new funding for monitoring and project funds. She may submit another application in the fall with WDA to do the shadeball pilot project. She is getting quotes on replacing the sealer, replacing it would give the flexibility to sample areas we can’t right now due to holding times. Idexx would allow the CCNRD and two other districts to trade in their sealers for a new sealer at a discount of about $500. The incubator was operational but needs to be checked as no tests have been run on it in recent years. Ms. Anderson will check it out and see if it still works. Ms. McIntyre has been working through the ranking list for projects that didn’t rank out in EQIP and may put ads out looking for more projects near the Belle Fourche River. The Wyoming Watershed conference is the end of June in Riverton and all employees plan to attend. Ms. Halverson has been doing research on the shadeball project. She prepared the display for the Courthouse and did an Enviroscape presentation on May 19 to 4th graders. She also water tested with Campbell County in May. Ms. Halverson calibrated the flow meter today ahead of next week’s sampling. Community outreach to find urban and community projects ideas were discussed and staff is researching previously approved projects with NACD to see what has been done that might be a good fit for our area.

Forestry Program Update

Grant updates Ms. Anderson will start advertising for the NE WY Habitat Improvement Project shortly. Applications were reviewed.

Miller Creek CAFA grant was awarded for $236,000, the agreement has not been received.

Ms. Anderson is currently writing the RCPP renewal agreement.

The CWPP contract has been received County Attorney Joe Baron, Ms. Anderson has suggestions for changing a few things, the contract was presented to the Board to review. Mr. Fundaun made a motion to approve signing the contract, giving Ms. Anderson the ability to modify as needed. Ms. Altaffer seconded. Motion carried.

For the USFS Forest Plan Revision the CCNRD will remain under the County for the Assessment phase but will change during the Analysis stage when the CCNRD will receive cooperating agency status.

NFAB- Ms. Anderson would like to serve on this Board representing the District.

Office Manager Update Ms. Helms has submitted electronics recycling sponsorships requests to last year’s sponsors and has received funds or commitments from several. Other possible sponsors were suggested and will be contacted. The Sundance Times will be doing an informational article on electronics recycling a few weeks before the events. Ms. Helms submitted the Proposed Budget to the County Clerk and the Department of Audit, and it was received and approved. Subdivision reviews were completed. Retention schedules were followed, and files no longer needed were logged and destroyed. Arrangements have been made with Ketel Thorstenson for the Agreed upon procedures for the last week of September.

Local Issues Ms. Helms will attend the large acreage subdivision regulations hearing on June 13.

Financials A motion to pay the bills was made by Ms. Altaffer and seconded by Mr. Fundaun. Motion carried. All checks were signed. The bank statement was opened by Ms. Altaffer and the QuickBooks reconciliation report prepared by Bridget was reviewed and signed.

Approve May 3rd Minutes A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made by Mr. Fundaun, seconded by Ms. Altaffer. Motion carried.

Board Vacancy an urban vacancy remains on the Board, a candidate is being sought.


Hidden Canyon Subdivision Review A motion to approve the Hidden Canyon Estates Subdivision was made by Mr. Fundaun and seconded by Ms. Altaffer. Motion carried.

Jacobson Minor Subdivision Review A motion to approve the Jacobson Minor Subdivision was made by Mr. Fundaun and seconded by Ms. Altaffer. Motion carried.

Credit card Mr. Fundaun made a motion to approve a credit card for Jessica Halverson, seconded by Ms. Altaffer. Motion carried and a form was signed to send to the bank.

TIME OFF REQUESTS Mr. Fundaun made a motion to approve time off requests, seconded by Ms. Altaffer. Motion carried.

SCHEDULE Dates were chosen for the following meetings:

Fiscal Year End Special Meeting June 28th 7:00 pm

July Budget Hearing & Regular Board Meeting July 12th 12:00 pm

Executive Session At 2:02 pm Ms. Altaffer made a motion to enter executive session to discuss personnel, seconded by Mr. Fundaun. At 3:37 pm Mr. Fundaun made a motion to exit executive session, seconded by Ms. Altaffer. Ms. Altaffer made a motion to pay Ms. Helms $20 per hour starting May 26. Seconded by Mr. Fundaun. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Fundaun at 3:40 pm.

Office Manager Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

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