Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community



Crook County School District #1 Board of Trustees is requesting 2022-2023 bids for:

• unleaded gasoline

• diesel

• propane

• coal

• coal hauling

Bid forms are available at Central Office, 122 State Hwy 585, PO Box 830, Sundance, Wyoming, 82729-0830. Bids must be received in central office by:

Thursday, June 9, 2022 @ 1:00 PM

Crook County School District #1 Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive irregularities or informalities in any bid or in bidding and do not bind themselves to accepting the low bid, but rather, the bid that is in the best interest of the school district.

CCSD#1 is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and all awards will be governed by the Equal Opportunity Clause.

Brian Marchant, Chairman

Board of Trustees

Crook County School District #1

Publish: May 19 and 26, 2022