Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community


Hulett Town Council

The Hulett Town Council met on November 4, 2024 at 7 p.m. Present were Council Backen, Bears, Kennah, Maher and Mayor Parsons. Motion to approve the agenda, Backen/Kennah, mc. Motion to approve the minutes, from October, Kennah/Bears, mc.

Motion to approve the financial report, Backen/Bears, mc.

Police – Chief Motley reported there will be court next Thursday.

PWD – The Pickle ball project is under way and cement will be poured next week.

The Mayor asked the Clerk and PWD to put benches in the budget for next year.

Airport held their meeting on November 11.

Fire – No report

Recreation – Haunted house had about 20 people attend. The Playground equipment is up at the rec. grounds and the Flamingo project made $900.

Motion to pay general bills, Backen/Bears, mc. Motion to pay airport bills, Bears/Maher, mc. Motion to pay SAF bills, Kennah/Backen, mc. Motion to pay landfill bills, Backen/Bears, mc.

Motion to approve the Re-Plat of lot 71, Bears/Kennah, mc.

Motion to approve the variance for lot 71, Backen/Kennah, mc.

Motion to approve the building permit for lot 71, Kennah/Backen, mc.

Motion to have the Mayor sign the WYOWARN agreement, Backen/Bears, mc.

Motion to adjourn, Backen/Kennah, mc.

Bills paid at Dec. 4, 2024 council meeting:

Victory Inc. 7,116.28, Corner Market 13.49, Debra Raugutt, CPA 2,000, Hawkins 20.00, Postmaster 110.00, Water Guy 856.40, Wyoming Retirement 168.75, Bruce Brown 450.00, Renner 372,972.80, Runnings 686.55, Recreation Plus 45,000, Royal Spraying 1,320.00, Wyoming Retirement 807.14, HDR Engineering 998.75, Happy Helping Hands 100.00, Wyoming DEQ 400.00, PDQ 738.40, Trihydro 1843.70,

Publish: December 12, 2024