Proudly Serving the Hulet and Devils Tower Community
Hulett Town Council
The Hulett Town Council met on September 4, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Present were Council Backen, Bears, Kennah, Maher and Mayor Parsons.
Motion to accept the minutes, Bears/Maher, mc.
Motion to accept the agenda, Kennah/Backen, mc.
Melissa Williams asked permission for playground equipment to be placed near the horseshoe pits. A donation will be received for this. Motion to approve the playground project, Kennah/Maher mc.
Financial report given: Bears reported the audit is in full swing. The Town has also received their first half of the designated funds from the state. Motion to approve the financial, Backen/Bears, mc.
Police: Chief Motley reported another dog bite. The Explorer quit and had to be towed. Sept. 21, 2024 it will be looked at.
Public works: The alley behind the Corner Market is pretty much done. The landfill is presenting with some erosion but Ben thinks he can fix it. He has spoken with Craig McOmie. This Friday there will be a prebid meeting for the lift station.
Airport: A second stripping will be done Sept. 24-25. The airport will be closed.
Recreation: The recreation board kept the Ride a Horse deposit. The board will be also enforcing the proof of insurance.
Bills: Motion to pay general bills, Kennah/Backen, mc. Motion to pay airport bills, Bears/Maher mc. Motion to pay rally bills, Bears/Maher, mc. Motion to pay Capital facilities bills, Kennah/Bears, mc. Motion to pay Landfill closure bills, Backen/Bears, mc.
Old Business:
Motion to go to bid for the pickle ball recreation area and to open bids on Sept. 26 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
The Town needed a survey this property and the survey company determined that the property known as Motel Pioneer is about 8-10 onto the newly purchased property. The owners of the Hulett Apartments felt the town should have notified them of the survey and are not thrilled it’s going to be a recreational area. They are concerned about noise and drugs. The Mayor reassured them that nothing was going to happen in that lot for a while.
The council has decided to have all the vehicles etc. removed from the empty lot next to the Hulett Apartments. A letter will be sent and a posting on all vehicles to please have everything removed by Sept. 20, 2024.
Motion to approve the first pay request for Dan Hart Patrol, Backen/Bears, mc.
The resolution outlining the duties of the recreation board were read and motion to approve/Backen/Bears, mc.
The Golf Course submitted an application for a replat of lot 71. Motion to approve the application, Bears/Backen, mc. The Golf Course will present a preliminary plat at the next meeting.
Motion to approve the budget amendment addition the donations, Bears/Kennah, mc.
Motion to have fall cleanup Sept. 23-29, Maher/Bears, mc. Appliances with Freon will be taken for $45 each.
Motion to approve Bill Couettes building permit, Backen/Bears, mc.
Motion to approve a building permit for Johnnie Johnson, Bears/Maher, mc.
Motion to approve the second phase agreement for services with Engineering associates for the lift station, Backen/Bears, mc.
Motion to have a special meeting on Sept. 26, 6:00 p.m., Kennah/Backen, mc.
Meeting adjourned.
The Hulett Town Council met on Sept. 26, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. for a special meeting to open bids for the pickle ball/basketball courts. One bid received from Renner in the amount of $524,693.00. Backen made the motion to accept the bid, Kennah seconded, mc. Motion to award the bid in the amount of $524,693.00 to Renner, Kennah, Backen, motion carried.
Motion to adjourn.
Bills paid at 10-2-24 meeting:
Debra Raugutt, CPA 4500, Hardware 126.54, Jim Palus 552.85, Mid-American 1408.45, Norco 29.78, Sundance Law 366.00, Water Guy 856.40, Wyoming Pioneer 228.75, Wells Plumbing 2330.75, TDG 1500, Corner market 26.50, Range 448.09, Omega Computers 564.00, Airport: DBT 1735.75, PDQ 3288.47, Range 130.34, HHH 100.00, SAF: Imperial Pumps 25,093.44, CF: Engineering Assoc. 1330.84
Publish: October 10, 2024